Intercultural Center for Expression and Communication
Yakumama is an Amazonian water goddess, an Anaconda, that is also revered in the Andean region and which takes many different forms: a sacred serpent, a lagoon, a serpentine river, a beautiful woman who turns into the moon. The Incas have even immortalized her as a constellation in the sky. The myths about her wandered through time and space and even connected her with the European siren. What better symbol would there be for interculturalism, diversity and communication between different peoples?

In this sense, in our lessons and workshops, in consultations and through translations you will receive support in the understanding of foreign cultures. We will help you to improve your own expressiveness, whether you want to prepare a presentation, to write a correct text or to conduct a difficult dialogue. You will learn a lot about the handling of the language, but also about possibilities of nonverbal communication through images, actions, gestures, movements and dance.
A highlight is always one of our study trips. The focus is to get to know foreign cultures and to have intercultural encounters. Very important is as well a respectful approach to cultural values and nature. When you meet indigenous peoples from outside Europe, you can find new ideas and solutions for your own problems and disharmonies. The main emphasis in the moment is the diverse and fascinating continent of South America.
Are you curious? Then you can browse through our website or contact us directly:
Yakumama – Intercultural Center for Expression and Communication
E-mail: yakumama@web.de
Tel .: +49 (0) 30-96064919